Wednesday, June 18, 2008

jobs applied for

so far, i have applied for the following jobs:

- youth advocate at san diego center for youth and community services- june 7
- part time children's coordinator of san diego ywca's homeless women's program - june 11
- catholic charities- homeless shelter part time social worker - june 18
- catholic charities- homeless shelter full time social worker- june 18

let's see what happens.. 

Saturday, June 14, 2008

here we go, congo

my name is katie fourqurean. in april 08, i returned from a 2 1/4 year position as a health teacher/aid worker in rural zambia, africa.  

i moved out to san diego, california at the end of may 08 and was recently hired to come on board with a project called "falling whistles." this project/nonprofit aims to assist war-torn congolese people. 

i am starting a blog in attempts to log all of the research i do in regards to the congo. partially, for myself. partially for others to see and be moved by. 

peace be with you.